Spring has arrived!

{ Monday, June 2, 2008 }
Before you know it, summer will be here so I had to finally get an entry up about the nice spring weather we've been having. I'd say it's been a bit chilly this year, but we've had some really nice days with even more to come! I can't wait now that I have so many outdoor activities to do: swing, slide, sandbox, water table, lawnmower, bubbles, sidewalk chalk and the list goes on!

These pictures were all taken on the same spring day...

Crawling in our flower bed:

Having fun in the grass with Buster's lead:

Giggling away at Mommy:

I made the mistake of putting a piece of grass in my mouth - hence the "gag":

Just me, being me:

Oh no! The spring photo shoot is over? I know, you're just as surprised as I am!


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