I'm Two Years Old!

{ Tuesday, December 30, 2008 }
Where has time gone? How am I already such a big girl and two years old? The difference between 1 and 2 years old is like night and day!

I'm now using up to 5 word sentences, singing pieces of lots of songs with the right tune, know my alphabet except for a few slips on about 5 letters, can count to 12 (unless I'm doing it on my own without my Mommy and Daddy pointing for me and slowing me down - then I say, "1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11"), can even count to 19 except I miss 13 and 14, can sing the ABC's pretty close to what it's supposed to be, love doing somersaults and jumping off things, love to paint and am really good at concentrating and making sure I paint something without making a mess, am really concerned about other people's feelings and always want them to be "happy", love to play dress up, pretend to go "nite nite", can kick a ball and keep it in front of me (can we say future soccer star??) and many, many more things. It's so exciting to be such a big girl!

Here are some pictures from my 2nd birthday.

We went out to my favorite Mexican restaurant to celebrate! My Aunt Laurie, cousin Mallory, Grandma and Grandpa and my Mommy and Daddy all came. As you can see, I LOVE my sour cream!
After dinner, we went back to my house for brownies, ice cream and presents. I think I got a little brain freeze on this bite of ice cream!

Opening presents:
Thanking my Grandma and Grandpa for my fun birthday presents:
My Mimi and Poppy even flew in from Virginia to be here on my big day. I got a lot of fun presents from them, too! My favorite part was just seeing them and playing with them since I rarely get to see them.
And my most favorite present of all - the jump-o-lene that my Mommy and Daddy got me for my birthday!


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