Williamsburg, VA

{ Monday, July 21, 2008 }
I am sure I will come to appreciate the historic meaning behind Williamsburg, VA when I'm older but I still had fun! It was almost chilly and was overcast the day we went so we didn't stay long, but we got to see a lot of neat things while we were there.

Some cool houses:

I even got to knock on one of the doors!

We saw some really interesting people dressed in old fashioned clothes:

We saw a really old graveyard:

Being silly with Mommy:

I promise I'll be a good girl!

I was obsessed with trying to pick up as many flowers as my little hands could hold. I even had an audience watching me because I had so much fun and was laughing pretty loud:

I was so proud of myself that I climbed up on this bench to show off all of the flowers I had collected. Ahhh... the little things!:

We even got to see a horse up close and personal. I had enough when he made his horsey noise though! It was very startling and it freaked me out!!


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