As long as I've been alive, there has been one thing that has always been able to make me laugh no matter what. That's my buddy, Buster. He and I have been through a lot together. He's had to adjust to me being here and he's so good to me. He even cleans up my messes after I'm done eating. I even tell him to "sit" and "wait" with hand commands and he listens to me (of course, my Mommy or Daddy are also doing the commands at the same time as I am, but I'm certain it's my command he's following!). He puts up with me pulling his tail non-stop some days and he even lets me dress him up in my necklaces. He, in return, gets to run around with my toys which is equally as fun for him. I don't know what I'd do without him.
Here are some pictures of just some of the fun times we've shared together.
A snow day and we're both longing to be outside:

Just checking out what's going on outside again:

Sharing my socks with him (or is he taking it from me??):

Playing dress up with him:

Doesn't he look pretty?

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